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CIVINAR - A Talk Session on Sustainable Construction Technologies by Dr Rishi Gupta
2022 The Lambert Award for Volunteer Service - Dr. Rishi Gupta, P.Eng., FEC
2019 President's Awards | Teaching Award of Excellence: Dr. Rishi Gupta, P.Eng., FEC
CIVINAR - A Talk Session on Automation in Bridge Inspection by Dr. Sriram Narasimhan
Where Not To Invest-Rishi Gupta(Shepherd's Hill)-WZCC Pune Chapter
CIVINAR - A Talk Session on COVID-19 and Air Quality by Dr. Rajasekhar Balasubramanian
project i51 demo - IgE crossreactivity
CIVINAR - A Talk Session by Prof. Michele Barbato
Dr. Rishi gupta. Shiva verma
CIVINAR - A Talk Session on IC-IMPACTS by Dr Nemy Banthia
GUPTA, RISHI, Efficacy of Intravitreal Dexamethasone Implant Monotherapy for Treatment of Uveitis